Verizon FiOS
Awhile back I got hooked up to the famous Verizon FiOS Internet. The fastest bird on the Web!
Today I got FiOS for my TV. The Picture and Sound put Dish Network to shame. So did the price. And I have the option to get a 25 movie stations package, for around an extra 10.00. Maybe it was more...but we have a nice DVD rental package already. And the DVDs will look and most of all, "sound" better.
You gotta believe me when I say that the picture quality is way above anything else I have seen except for HD.
Yea buddy! Its nice. And my daughter has better kid stations than before...and movies and other shows for the wife.
enuf said about that.
I didnt do squat today. Stayed at home reading with my eyes closed.
The lawn needs mowin. I made note of that and am scheduling my wife to do it soon. ha.
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