Timmy's World: Beautiful Side

Where Nothing is as Real as it Seems

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Beautiful Side

Yea folks, I want to go to the Beautiful Side. Not the gay side, haha.

The Beautiful Side of somewhere. I need to get away and take it upon myself to get to that somewhere.

But can I maintain My Beautiful Side while out of the realm of what I call MySelf.

I spend alot of time alone and that gives me the chance to do alot of thinking. Being OCD that is not unusual in the least. Thinking of all of the things that I have done in my life, and pondering the things that I will, or will not do in the remainder of my life.

That Place in most cases is the Beautiful Side. From where I stand now, where I go and what I do seems very scetchy, and not positive at all.

Here in the next year I am going to do some mental digging and find out just what I want to do later on , in what I call life, or whats left of it.

Maybe you want to go there too? What if what Jack Nicholson said was true when he said..."What if this is as good as it gets?"

Well, That is what I need to find out.

Have a good weekend, and if you play tennis be sure to not get your balls wet!
