Timmy's World: April 2006

Where Nothing is as Real as it Seems

Sunday, April 30, 2006

New Guitar

Yep, got me a new Guitar! Havent played since I was 23, but am willing to see if playing is as fun as it used to be.

What I actually loved was singing, which I started at a very young age and continued successfully until I had my first Tracheostomy put in my fkn throat. Singing has gone down hill from that point on. STB!

But since my brain injury I have a new outlook on things and its really odd that I suddenly wanted a guitar, of all things.

I found a website to assist me in tuning the thang, so I wont need a harp dealy.

Anyway folks, its good times...as good as it could be. I recon so anyway!


Friday, April 28, 2006

Rescue Me

Yes folks, "Rescue Me", the man style soap opera about what is mentally left of the New York Fire Departments men is coming to a new season.

Its on FX Tuesday nights about 8 or 9. Check your listings.

I think its a bad ass Series! And some great acting.

They even have the previous seasons out at Blockbuster in the TV Section.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Lost, the series was a rerun from last week, but fear not, the next four weeks are supposed to be all new.

Not much happened today. Same ol, same ol. Windy as hel. I did walk my mile! Met with friends and had lunch. Its all good!

I began watching the movie Doom. I haven't finished it but it is surprisingly close to the computer game. My daughter that is now 10 might want to watch it since she loved the game back when she was just a couple of years old. I need to make sure its ok before I let her watch it though.

I dont have a lot to post today...I deleted my original post. It was too deep. Too personally on target. Too close to home.

see ya tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Party Pictures

Man I gotta tell you guys that when the Wife and I went back to Dallas and met our friends we havent seen in a long time, it was better than a class reunion. I sent out pictures and the people loved them. Was like a trip in the past. good times!

I thought I was almost caught up with my Dreamweaver class but when I got a couple done...poof, another appeared ready to be done.

I gotta admit though that my brain aint working like it used to. I read things over and over and just cant "get it". Maybe I was tired...yea right, fkn car wreck! STB!

But Im a big boy and must learn to live in my new world that has been handed to me, like it, or not. I must adapt. I may never drive or work again but that doesnt mean I cant make a freakin web page, cause doing that is old memories and I still have those memories...a little, i think...I hope. At least my weblog is kikkin ass, haha, In my mind it is anyway...

Well i best get busy, as always. Sittin round feeling sorry for myself definitely wont get me anywhere at all.

have a good day, whatever day it is...


Sunday, April 23, 2006

Falling Behind Issues

Well folks, im falling behind in my work. Especially in my Dreamweaver Class that I am taking. So tonite I will stay up late, which it is already, and try to catch up some. Check out the picture, im not even in class yet!

I gotta get busy cause time is a'wastin.


Another Busy Day

In the past few days I have done alot. There is too much to go into all of it, but the main highlight was going to the Beagle for Don greenway's uhh, I think it was his 79th birthday and a few drinks. I think its 79 anyway. He sure looks ok for his age though. Lucky man.

I also had a leftover Ham Shank Bone and I cooked 2 lbs or Great Northern Beans and a couple of batches of corn bread. Along with a salad and sandwhichs we had a nice litte feast.

My wife and I went to the birthday party and saw soo many great people from our past that its was unreal.

Im still behind on my class. Maybe catch up soon.


Saturday, April 22, 2006

Fear (not)

Fear is an odd creature. It comes in many forms too. Alot of 'us have the day to day simple fears, and some of us have more complex...real life fears. I started looking around about a year or 3 ago and found some wise saying about fear and I thought I would share it with you. Any time my mind is preoccupied with thoughts that are not within normal limits and I start to worry, I get this out and read it about 3 times, then put it away for later use. And buddy I have used it alot.

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

timme (no fear!)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Staying Up Late

Yea Im staying up a bit later than usual tonight.

I looked in on the 30 Year Reunion happenings and didnt find very much coordination going on at Classmates.com. I think we should just get a keg and go find somewhere to drink that baby dry. haha. But Im easier to please than most folks. My old school mates are in Nacogdoches, if ya know where the hell that is, (your probly a redneck too). Im soo funny (to me anyway).

Part of the reason for me to be up late has alot to do with paying bills, and also the fact that I slept most of the afternoon. Couldnt be avoided...so here I am. But my bills are all in order and im gonna be broke when I get them all paid. STB!

There is another project I want to do, but I believe its too late to put in the effort on a lame test I want to run.

Speaking of Test...I got my DW session to do in the morning. I best get to bed. See y'all in a day or 2.


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Record Temps in Dallas Area

Yes, we are having such Record Temps in Dallas Area that its causing rolling blackouts.

I was at a restraunt yesterday and we were in the dark for about an hour.

I also made the mistake, if you will, of walking to the bank and then another mile up to the place. I nearly had a heat stroke, sortof. I was glad when I made it there anyway.

Mowed part of the front yesterday and will try to do more this morning, but within limits.

Anyway I think I have a ride out today.

My new Guitar has been purchased. I only need wait on my sister to come to town and deliver it to me. I think I need to start sandpapering my fingertips this week. And I have a bud that will work with me a little bit on my methods.

well thats about it for yesterday and today.

take care

Monday, April 17, 2006

Work to do

Man I got little projects running out my asss. And, I cant keep up.

So for today I will do a quick mowing on the front lawn and weed-eat another day.

Other than feedin the dawg Im taking today as a holiday, sortof.

Oh, I did go to my in-laws yesterday and took a ham that i cooked and cut up. My first ham! It was very good. I was a bit worried during the process cause it was my first time to cook it.

I gotta get on the lawn, but ya know what? Im out of gas and dont drive. And Im not going to be a walking torch just waiting to be litte. I will do what I can. Getting more fresh gas will be a tonite project.

Things just arent going rite today. But I am getting that guitar I spoke of.

Dreamweaver class 2 is queued up and ready to go, so I have to prioritize.

Have a good monday. and remember, Id trade places with you if I could...


Sunday, April 16, 2006

Chocolate Rabbit

Got myself a chocolate rabbit for Easter. Hope you did as well.

I have a busy day today. Cookin us a ham. Never cooked a ham before.

Happy Easter
love timmy

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Tax Man

Well today is the day we drop off our Income Tax Information to some Tax office to be looked over and properly sent off to Austin Texas.

The good side is that none of 'my money is taxable, and also all the trips to the doctor are a write-off, and the mileage, and the prescriptions. That in itself figures to be about $450.00 per month. Do the math...

So we should get a large check in the mail providing everything the tax office is correct.

That check goes to Credit Cards. All of it.

Then maybe we can live a little better than we were, and not owe so much interest and credit card sht.

Wish us luck, as I wish you good fortune just the same.


Friday, April 14, 2006


My Mommy is going to buy me a (fairly nice) Guitar. I can't wait.

My Dreamweaver Class is going well.

My Sister is coming in for the weekend. Thats always a + although she has a boyfriend and she stays busy with him Alot. But they never go anywhere...hmm.

If I think of anything important I will add to this post later. I got to get my Friday Chores done and meet me Sister for a while. I got the Kiddo home today so that will likely slow me down.

Guitar! dude! cant wait!

Happy friday

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A New Course

Me and My Buddy Billy are going to be taking a Dreamweaver 8 Course soon. I hope we do well.

Oh, and Lost the series comes on tonight. Hurley goes nuts! haha

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Woke up early today. Panic Attacks had me down. They kept coming even after 1 mg of alprazolam and some other meds. This is not fun, not to mention not funny either. Maybe I can laugh later while Im mowing the front lawn. Its small so it shouldnt be too difficult.

I did work out alot yesterday, then mowed the bak yard and then walked a mile. Maybe the feelings from working out more are getting me out of control and causing my anxiety. Makes sense to me. But I want to be strong and in good shape, like my other super hero friends.


Monday, April 10, 2006

Palm Sunday (yesterday)

I missed you guys yesterday but palm sunday had me busy as there was a Ranger game on and a Race at the Tx motor speedway. No time to post. Call me lasy, haa, or crazy.

Gotta mow a small section of the yard today if i can manage it.

Then its fun time. If i can manage that too. Even that is a chore, mentally and physically.

Hey, I went to Fry's and spent my birthday money. I got a nice set of Computer Speakers w/Sub woofer, a 1 gig compact flash card for me camera and a tri-color print cartridge as mine had gone out and was causing me all sorts of unnecessary problems that you wouldnt believe. Spent all my money from the birthday, but it was fun as always to make a buying trip to fry's.


Friday, April 07, 2006

Changes in the Blog

Well folks I have made some somewhat major changes to the ol weblog, both cosmetic and functional changes. It was a hard decision but the changes will make things easier on me as far as my job goes in the ordeal.

Welcome to timmy's weblog! "A place where things dont always make sense". Live with it!

My email address is hidden out in my full profile if you would like to contact me.

I may eventually change the comments function back like it was, but for now its too high maintenance for me to carry on and watch for discussion and comments. I have other things to do and I sleep alot. Its hard enough to keep my chores done and take care of the girls when they come home. But we do what we must.


30 Year Class Reunion

With all the talk going around I thought we were going to have a 30 year HS Reunion.

Lack of interest is getting in the way. I'd like to get with those folks and joke around for awhile, and maybe pop a couple of beers like we used to. If I still lived back home I would try to assist, but I dont think I could help much. I know where about 3-4 people are. Thats it.

Anyway, maybe we will at least have a small gathering.

have a good friday and a weekend as well.


Thursday, April 06, 2006

Time is coming back, somewhat

Boys and girls, You know I had a car wreck. And I remember nothing sometimes.

Well, today is different, Im getting plastered with (older) memories.

Im busy with my past. Odd too. Its like its today, right now. WoW!

see ya tomorrow!~


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Verizon FiOS

Awhile back I got hooked up to the famous Verizon FiOS Internet. The fastest bird on the Web!

Today I got FiOS for my TV. The Picture and Sound put Dish Network to shame. So did the price. And I have the option to get a 25 movie stations package, for around an extra 10.00. Maybe it was more...but we have a nice DVD rental package already. And the DVDs will look and most of all, "sound" better.

You gotta believe me when I say that the picture quality is way above anything else I have seen except for HD.

Yea buddy! Its nice. And my daughter has better kid stations than before...and movies and other shows for the wife.

enuf said about that.

I didnt do squat today. Stayed at home reading with my eyes closed.

The lawn needs mowin. I made note of that and am scheduling my wife to do it soon. ha.


Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Well its Tuesday. I got up, got out for a bit, then slept till bedtime. Tell me my clock aint wound up...

Just had another seizure too. My glasses made it through the journey, Barely.

But the dog seems happy, and thats what matters more than my mishaps.

Im taking a Dreamweaver class online soon. Me and my other brother billy. He stay way up north in Chicago, by the Lake. He like cold weather! Dumbass...ha

Well buckaroos, have a good one.


Monday, April 03, 2006

Cryin Bout Somethin...

Folks, it seems like someone is always crying bout something or somebody, or simply a new rule. And have you ever noticed that its usually the same mofo almost every time? Dont get me wrong, cause there has been a time or three where I have been a little guilty. In fact I used to be one of 'those people.

Well folks its time to stop the cryin and whining, and if you got a problem then deal with it or do something about it. Get up off your ass and take action or just live with it.

I can't drive and you dont see me sittin at home all day every day cryin in my pillow. Doh! Well not too often anyway! haha

Have a good Monday! Its just another day in paradise.


Sunday, April 02, 2006

One Lost Weekend

Man, the weekend was just here. I remember it. Back about friday afternoon.

Is all but over with now. I slept saturday night, but for some reason went back to sleep sunday afternoon and woke up and it was bedtime. That being the reason that im here right now.

Did some virus and operating system updates for my wifes little computer. That was almost fun, ha.

Changed Banks and still do not have my "Card". STB!!! Need to get me somecash! Or my Card.

Oh, and my printers tri-color ink cartridge went out, and so did the black. It happened at the same time, so my system really flipped out when that occurred. Can you believe that with no ink in the cartridges...I cant send a fax. Hey, Wake up,...you dont need ink to 'send a freakin fax! So I got me a black cartridge and now I can send faxes and print basic letters. But I cant print color. Those parts of a page are simply missing, haha.

Send money!
