Sick Kid Day
It's gonna be one of those days. Alone with the kid, and as long as the TV is on I basically do not exist. I can talk at her and get absolutely no response out of her. She just has a bad cold. Hell so do I!
So, I can get her to go use her own TV, and enjoy my day. Or I can try to interact with her by playing cards and other things without any TV on at all. But then I will soon figure out that she isnt that sick, and be disappointed when she tires of my fun and games.
Yep, havin a half sick kid at home just plain sux! But I might end up getting her out for a bit later on. Not sure of that yet.
Oh, Lost was a rerun last night. It was a replay of the 2 hour pilot. I still watched it. Next wednesday is a new episode. They do that sortof thing, mixing old and new episodes...I should just stop watching it and get it at the video store as the new ones come out.
Tomorrow is friday, so hang on, it will be here soon enough.
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